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Under Disaster Management and Relief Ministry, Disaster Management Directorates manage the disaster risk reduction and disaster related damage and social security activities of the people of the country. In the last 3 years, 240 shelters have been constructed. Through the development of IVR technology, dialing 10941/1090 on any mobile phone will take action to update the weather forecast and weather updates and toll free services from rural and teletalk. Under the program for the poor, measures have been taken to ensure 80 days of employment for 40 days in two seasons, in the last two seasons, to create jobs for about 22 lakh poor and marginalized people in the last three years, of which one-third women are women. The Multi-Hazard Risk Vulnerability Assessment (MRVA) Modeling and Mapping Cell has been established to determine the risks and risks of the Damage and Need Assessment (DNA) Cell and any objection to any disaster damage and needs. Disaster Management Bureau, Disaster Management Bureau, Disaster Management Bureau formed in 1993 with the objective of coordinating disaster related activities, increasing public awareness, collecting and managing information, conducting research, disaster preparedness and mitigation at local and national levels, and assistance in disaster management. A bureau under the Ministry of relief. After the devastating floods of 1988, the bureau was formed as a result of only two and a half years after the devastating cyclone and tidal bore that took place on April 29, 1991, in response to the disruption of natural disaster in the country and abroad. Its main goal is to ensure self-sufficiency and sustainable development by proper use of national resources in the event of disaster and loss of resources due to disaster and loss of property due to disaster. Its main functions are: Preparation of disaster preparedness at disaster prone district, upazila and union level; Continuous training program for disaster management in order to increase mass awareness; Coordinating the overall disaster management activity; To collect disaster related information and to build information store and to discharge discharge duty as government's expert office. As a bureau chief, a director general has the power to take all decisions directly from the administrative control of the ministry. Foreign and local consultants and four directors assist him in making decisions. The disaster management bureau is funded by the government's fiscal budget and financial support from UNDP and UNICEF. At the field level the Bureau has no organizational structure or structure; In the district, upazila and union level, the activities are carried out with the help of Deputy Commissioner, District Relief and Rehabilitation Officer and Upazila Project Implementing Officer and Union Parishad Chairman. The organization has a joint program with NGOs.